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-XII "Cheese National Fair" in Guayaquil -

Actualizado: 2 ago 2021

In Guayaquil – Ecuador was the first time that an edition of the “Feria Nacional del queso” was organized, an event that is part of the celebrations for the “Fiestas Julianas”, which was sponsored by the Guayaquil Municipal Public Tourism Company. The fair was an initiative of a group of dairy producers from the Sierra that have been doing it for twelve years, especially in Cayambe, and has been replicated in Machachi, Cuenca, Tabacundo, Baños, and Ibarra.

The idea was to create a cheese culture to contribute so that Litoral producers can optimally manufacture their cheeses as well as improving the quality of dairy products and increasing their consumption. In Guayaquil, those attending the event were able to meet, taste ,and buy 50 different types of cheeses and, in addition, know what other products they can be combined with. This event was carried out in compliance with biosafety regulations, including the mandatory distancing and use of a mask.

Photo from: El universo, Luis Chávez organizador de la feria, 2021

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