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-Declaration of Antisana National Park, home of Andean Condor-

The Ecuadorian Ministry of the Environment announced the creation of the Antisana National Park, around the volcano of the same name, which is one of the refuges of the Andean condor and which until now was categorized as an Ecological Reserve.

This was achieved by updating a "Management Plan" that includes conservation actions, especially of the habitat of the Andean condor, as it is one of the last places in the country where there is a greater population of these birds in danger of extinction in the country. In addition, the area of this National Park constitutes a natural reservoir that supplies water to several hydrological projects for Quito, the capital of the country that is located about 50 kilometers west of the Antisana volcano.

Photo from: El universo, Vista del páramo en la base del volcán Antisana en Ecuador, 2021

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