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-"Led Zeppelin" is the name of the new species of frog discovered in Ecuador-

Actualizado: 2 ago 2021

The scientific journal "Neotropical Biodiversity" reported the discovery by Ecuadorian researchers of a new species of frog in the Cordillera del Cóndor in the community of Río Blanco, the frog was baptized with a curious name, that of the mythical rock band Led Zeppelin whose scientific name comes from the same name "Pristimantis led zeppelin".

A team from the San Francisco de Quito University in conjunction with the National Institute of Biodiversity were the ones who developed this research, after finding this new species they decided to name it that way since this band had had a great influence on them.

Land frogs of the genus Pristimantis are an extremely diverse group of vertebrates that currently comprise 569 species known to date. And an interesting fact is that in the last two years 28 species of this genus have been found in Ecuador, which indicates that our region has proven to be one of the most diverse in terms of these small animals.

The extension and great biodiversity of this region are still unknown, so possibly shortly, new species will appear to be reported and also take care of since this mountainous ecosystem enters one of the most threatened regions of our country due to the various activities carried out by us, which seek only our economic benefit, without taking into account the amount of life that inhabits these places, putting them in a worrying situation that without a doubt we must handle with care and tolerance.

Photo from:, Rana Led Zeppelin, 2o21

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