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Sanctions for abandonment of animals in Quito

Actualizado: 3 ago 2021

Algodoncito's case could be the first to sanction justice for the abandonment of a pet in Quito. The moment in which a person lowers the dog from his vehicle and leaves it on the street was captured on July 7, 2021, by the security cameras located in Conocoto. With this evidence, the legal process was started.

How is abandonment sanctioned in Ecuador?

This stipulates that the person who abandons a companion animal will be sanctioned with community work for 20 to 50 hours.

How is the abandonment of pets sanctioned in Quito?

If the event occurred in the capital, a complaint can be made due to the new Animal Welfare Ordinance 019 which considers abandonment as a very serious infraction. Abandoning animals in public or private places, in urban or rural areas, such as veterinary care centers, hairdressers, and dog hotels, among others, as well as in the nature reserves of the Metropolitan District of Quito ”will be sanctioned with 10 remunerations of basic salary.

Photo from: Comunidad Biológica, Aunque no lo creas el amor está en tus genes, 2019

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