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Luca Pallanca, the philanthropist who helps 200 people every day

Luca, an Italian national, arrived in Cuenca nine years ago. For Luca, the motivation to help the community came naturally when he began making small donations to the people who were grilling outside his restaurant. He now has a group called "Todos Somos Uno" He estimates that he prepares around 400 food kits each month to be delivered to families in rural neighborhoods. Every day about 200 people line up to receive food at the “Pizza y Focaccia” restaurant. When the doors of this restaurant open, Luca Pallanca leaves, who without a list and without distinction of age or nationality begins to deliver the day's donations.

On the other hand, they have a project to help children who have suffered academic repercussions due to the pandemic where computers and cell phones have been donated. In the same way, spaces have been managed for study such as one of the rooms of the National Union of Educators of Ecuador (UNE).

Photo from: El mercurio, Luca Pallanca, Todos somos uno, 2021

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