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- Lunar Eclipse In Ecuador -

Actualizado: 2 ago 2021

The Astronomical Observatory of Quito indicated that astronomy has us a peculiar surprise, on Wednesday May 26, Ecuador will be able to observe the Lunar Eclipse. This astronomical event will happen around 3:45 AM (GMT-5). At the time of the eclipse, the Moon will be positioned at its closest point in its orbit around the Eart. This event will allow the Moon to be seen very bright and with a bigger size. Starting at 3:45 AM (GMT-5) it will acquire an intense orange color, according to the Observatory's bulletin. Then, by 06:18 AM (GMT-5), the satellite will turn red. At its peak, the Moon will already be below the horizon.

Undoubtedly, this is a good opportunity to observe our satellite from a different perspective, so you should not miss it.

Photo from: Wikipedia, Eclipse Lunar, Luis Rojas, 2019

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