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-The first Olympic medalist woman of Ecuador-

Actualizado: 3 ago 2021

Sports are wonderful without a doubt, full of discipline, work, and effort. Every day you can leave traces that will be remembered forever, that was what happened to Neisi Dajomes, the talented Ecuadorian woman that on August 1, 2021, recorded the gold medal in the category of 76 kilograms in the Games of Tokyo. With a total of 263 kg, Neisi fills us with emotion after became the first Ecuadorian woman to be bathed in gold. Between tears and screaming, the powerful woman touched the sky with her hands, thus achieving to ascend to Olympus and live that is probably the best day of her life, filling up a whole country of pride and admiration.

Photo from: Luis Acosta, Neisi Dajones levanta las pesas de 76 kg, 2021

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